Using our proprietary fund ranking system, we select investments to enhance outcomes, manage risk and reduce fiduciary exposure.
Many plan sponsors struggle with deciding how many investment options to offer in their retirement plans. While people generally like to have lots of options when making other decisions, having too many plan options can potentially lead to poor investment decisions by plan participants. In addition, increasing plan options can also increase plan costs, as well as the administrative paperwork associated with the plan.
As your investment co-fiduciary, we ensure our clients monitor and maintain their investment menu according to their investment policy. Through regular monitoring and reporting, plan sponsors can meet their responsibilities to:
- Offer diversified investment options
- Follow the Investment Policy Statement (IPS)
- Use a consistent, documented approach to investment option removal
- Document discussions, decisions and outcomes
Our proprietary fund ranking system aims to enhance outcomes, manage risks and reduce fiduciary exposure.
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As flowers and trees begin to bloom, we bring you our spring season quarterly newsletter. In this edition, you will find information on helping employees make their money last as well as financial wellness statistics.